HELOC Application - United Federal Credit Union

If you are currently not a United Member, please make sure you are eligible to become a member before starting this loan application.

Collateral Property Address

Address is invalid
Apt. # is invalid
City is invalid
State is invalid
ZIP Code is invalid
Purpose of Loan is invalid
Occupancy Status is invalid
Time at Residence is invalid
Monthly Housing Payment is invalid
Zillow logo
Mortgage Value is invalid
Amount Requested is invalid
Please select

Residential Address

Address is invalid
Apt. # is invalid
City is invalid
State is invalid
ZIP Code is invalid
County is invalid
Home Status is invalid
Time at Residence is invalid
Monthly Housing Payment is invalid

Previous Residence

If you have lived at your current address less than 2 years, you must add Previous Address.
Address is invalid
Apt. # is invalid
City is invalid
State is invalid
ZIP is invalid
Time at Residence is invalid
Home Status is invalid

Borrower Information

First Name is invalid
Last Name is invalid
Marital Status is invalid
DOB is invalid
SSN is invalid
Primary Phone is invalid
Phone Type is invalid
Email Address is invalid

Co-Borrower Information

First Name is invalid
Last Name is invalid
Marital Status is invalid
DOB is invalid
SSN is invalid
Primary Phone is invalid
Phone Type is invalid
Email Address is invalid
Address is invalid
Apt. # is invalid
City is invalid
State is invalid
ZIP Code is invalid

Borrower Information

Employment Status is invalid
Annual Income is invalid
You must add Employer
Job Title is invalid
Years at Job is invalid
Employer Phone is invalid
Employer Start Date is invalid
Previous Employer
Based on your response, you must add Previous Employer.
Previous Employer
Based on your response, you must add Previous Employer.
Employment Status is invalid
You must add Employer
Job Title is invalid
Years at Job is invalid
Employer Phone is invalid
'Are you United Employee' is invalid

Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance need not be revealed if you do not wish to rely upon it. Include any annual income that is exempt from federal income tax. This may include social security, public assistance, disability, workers compensation, and military allowances.

Additional Income is invalid
Additional Income is invalid

Co-Borrower Information

Employment Status is invalid
Annual Income is invalid
You must add Employer
Job Title is invalid
Years at Job is invalid
Employer Phone is invalid
Previous Employer
Based on your response, you must add Previous Employer.
Previous Employer
Based on your response, you must add Previous Employer.
Employment Status is invalid
You must add Employer
Job Title is invalid
Years at Job is invalid
Employer Phone is invalid
'Are you United Employee' is invalid

Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance need not be revealed if you do not wish to rely upon it. Include any annual income that is exempt from federal income tax. This may include social security, public assistance, disability, workers compensation, and military allowances.

Additional Income is invalid
Additional Income is invalid

Demographic Information for Borrower - {{gPrimaryApplicantName}}

For the next portion of the application, federal law requires us to ask about your ethnicity, race, and sex. This information is collected to protect consumers and monitor compliance with federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, race, and sex.

You are encouraged, but not required to provide this information. The law provides that we may not discriminate on the basis of this information, on whether you choose to provide it, or on the basis of other protected information in your application, such as age or marital status.

Note: You can select more than one race, more than one ethnicity and more than one sex.


Ethnicity (Other) is invalid

Demographic Information for Co-Borrower - {{gCoApplicantName}}

For the next portion of the application, federal law requires us to ask about your ethnicity, race, and sex. This information is collected to protect consumers and monitor compliance with federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, race, and sex.

You are encouraged, but not required to provide this information. The law provides that we may not discriminate on the basis of this information, on whether you choose to provide it, or on the basis of other protected information in your application, such as age or marital status.

Note: You can select more than one race, more than one ethnicity and more than one sex.


Ethnicity (Other) is invalid


Please review and read the disclosure below and consider printing a copy for your records; it contains rate, fee, and other cost information relevant to you. If you have any questions or need help with your application, please call us at (888) 982-1400.


Please review and read the disclosure below and consider printing a copy for your records; it contains rate, fee, and other cost information relevant to you. If you have any questions or need help with your application, please call us at (888) 982-1400.

Joint Application Verification

We Intend to Apply for Joint Credit

Both of you must type your initials below certifying your intent to apply for joint credit.

Submit Application

By clicking the “Submit” button below, I authorize you to obtain my credit and/or consumer report for the purposes of evaluating this application and to obtain subsequent credit and/or consumer reports on an on-going basis in connection with this transaction, and for all other legitimate purposes, such as reviewing my accounts, evaluating my eligibility for other products and services, or taking collection action on the accounts. When you’re ready, click the Submit button to complete your application. If you have any questions or need help with your application, please call us at (888) 982-1400.